Patient Navigation Program

Breast Cancer Patient Navigation Program
Community Action, Inc. (CAI) of Central Texas has been an established Texas Breast & Cervical Cancer Services (BCCS) provider through its multiple clinic sites since 1986. In 2004, utilizing a model proven and recognized to provide effective and comprehensive breast cancer patient navigation, CAI expanded its services in Hays, Caldwell, Bastrop and Williamson counties to include diagnostic, financial, treatment and survivorship navigation . In 2012, funding from the McKenna Foundation allowed CAI to expand these services to Comal County. Community Action’s Patient Navigation program is funded through grants from the Texas Breast and Cervical Cancer Services Program and the McKenna Foundation, funding from the Texas Mamma Jamma Ride and charitable donations from local businesses and community organizations.
Diagnostic Navigation
Community Action’s Patient Navigation Team guides women through breast diagnostics to reach resolution within 30 days. Women are referred to Community Action at any point of the continuum of care. Diagnostic include clinical breast exams, diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds, surgeon consultations and breast biopsies.
Financial Navigation
Community Action’s Patient Navigation Team has been very successful in significantly reducing the amount of time it takes for uninsured women with breast cancer to access cancer treatment. Almost 100% of diagnosed women referred to CAI’s patient navigation program are enrolled in or referred to a funding source for breast cancer treatment within 10 days of being referred.
Treatment Navigation
Community Action’s Patient Navigation Team provides client centered navigation throughout breast cancer treatment by providing transportation to/gas cards to travel to medical appointments, interpretation at medical appointments, referrals to established community assistance programs, referrals to cancer organizations and prosthesis and bras to women who have had mastectomies.
Survivorship Navigation
Community Action’s Patient Navigation Team provides support to women who have completed recommended treatment by encouraging them to comply with recommended post-treatment follow up
Aviso Sobre Las Prácticas De Privacidad
Lydia Perez
Program Coordinator
(512)392-1161 Ext. 322
This program is funded by the Texas Breast & Cervical Cancer Services, the McKenna Foundation, the Mamma Jamma Ride and charitable donations from community businesses and organizations.