The Head Start Program actively recruits children and families throughout the year to maintain full enrollment and an operating wait list. The eligibility of children is based on the age of the child and the family income. Eligibility is defined in the Head Start Performance Standards and the Federal Poverty Guidelines posted by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Selection criteria is assessed each year through the Head Start Community Needs Assessment to ensure we are providing services to children and families most in need. Enrollments are completed after a child is selected and with the Family Advocate. We are committed to children and families to receive all the benefits of our services. For these reasons, we closely monitor attendance and absenteeism and implement any necessary steps to address problems on the individual, classroom or program level.
Transition is largely a process of building relationships: launching a home-school partnership that will start when the family applies for the program and will continue throughout a family’s enrollment; the home visits, parent conferences, and every day interactions and communications. All combined strengthens parent’s role as both teacher and advocate for their children. Transition is also an ongoing process to ensure that children and families have appropriate information and support whenever there is a change in a child’s placement. A central goal of transition planning is to involve and empower parents, to ensure their comfort and capacity to advocate for their children in the next service setting. In addition, transition procedures should ensure a smooth transfer of all necessary information and records between current and future placements. Transitions include new enrollee, class to class and exiting the program.
Caroline Cortez
ERSEA & Transitions Coordinator
(512) 396-3395 Ext. 203