
Austism Resources
Autism Speaks
Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism Training
National Institute of Mental Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Down Syndrome Association of South Texas
Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas
Spina Bifida Association
DiGeorge Syndrome
Learn the Signs, Act Early Campaign
National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations
Partners Resource Network
Community Action, Inc. of Central Texas (CAI) Head Start ensures at least 10% of total enrollment is filled by children with disabilities in accordance with Head Start Performance Standards and IDEA. CAI believes their centers are enriched for all children by providing an inclusive setting that is welcoming to children from a variety of ability levels and cultures. CAI works closely with the local ECI and Independent School District programs to help with child find activities. In addition, CAI Head Start works with the local ECI and Independent School District programs to provide training for teachers and parents of children with special needs for optimal carryover of IEP and IFSP goals. This allows the goals to be worked on in the Head Start classrooms and home in addition to the public school and therapy settings.
CAI embraces an inclusive philosophy by allowing therapists and teachers from private and public agencies to come into the Head Start classrooms and work with the children and teachers in their natural environment. Supports are provided through modifications and accommodations to the curriculum, the environment, and staff to student ratio to ensure children of all ability levels can be actively included in all classroom activities and be an equal member of the classroom community. The goal of this Head Start program is to provide a sound base for children with special needs so they and their families feel they are full members of the Head Start community, local community and have a smooth transition to their next setting.
Patricia Vargas
Mental Health/Disabilities Coordinator
(512) 396-3395 Ext. 206